A lot has happened over the last few days. I am in a good place. My health is well. Everything on the home front, job front and all fronts overall are well. I am living my life, going through the daily grind. Well, last week, I had a bit of shakiness to come in like a small earthquake. Instead of responding to it, like I would in earlier days, I handled it like it should have been handled. Although, it threatened to change this new evolution of the woman I am becoming, the woman I need to have long ago been, it didn’t. My husband pulled a ploy to get back into my life. This ploy, albeit serious, was one in which I realized I love him to death, but honestly am not in love with him. At least right now.
I am tired. You know when you’ve done all you can do, all you should do and you are at the point of no return? I think I am at that point and although, I love him and would do anything for him, it is time for me to put me first at least for now. I will never close the door on what can happen tomorrow or even in the next minute, but for right now – I am done. I continue on executing the I am done plan and we will see what tomorrow truly does hold.