Every time I say I'm going to write more often, I don't. So I vow to never say it again. I'll just try to do it as often as I can. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. I suffered a bad fall on November 15th. I broke my ankle because of it. It's better now thank God, but oh boy did I ever endure a tough time. I did find out that those things that we think are ever so important are not as important at all. My long held tradition of doing laundry on Saturday morning went out of the window when I couldn't wake before dawn on Saturday to do it, but the house did not crumble. That old saying about time healing wounds rings so true with me. A close friend of mine lost her father. In attending the funeral, it brought me back to a dark place of when my own dad passed. I'm getting ready to start a new career. Jesus took the wheel on this one because this is all on him. It doesn't seem like anything I would have ever done on my own. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm trusting this to be a good thing. I think I've learned to breathe a little more in the last few weeks. Things that used to bother me don't so much anymore. I'm creeping up on meditation. I'm reading about it and slowly, but surely plan to get into it. I suppose in some way or another I am already meditating. I'm enduring a relapse right now. It is getting better as I am about a week into it. I'm taking my Prednisone and treading along. I'm just thankful and happy to be here! Hope all is well with you where ever you may be right now!!!